Aldersgate Christian Academy
ACA Online
Get info about graduating from our high school if you are a home school student.
$137.50 per credit hour
Accredited by HLC & ABHE
Can be done entirely online
Classes can transfer
We now offer homeschool students an online pathway to earn their high school diploma! Students who complete eight bte365官网地址 college dual-credit classes can graduate from Aldersgate Christian Academy (bte365官网地址’s affiliated academy).
The pathway is a flexible hybrid curriculum that allows students to choose from any eight of bte365官网地址’s dual-credit classes to supplement their homeschool curriculum of choice. This enables homeschool students to graduate from an accredited Christian high school with a year of college already complete!*
Admission & graduation
Homeschool students planning to graduate from ACA must apply and be accepted as online students of ACA prior to their senior year. The admissions items needed include the following:
- Application
- Pastor’s Recommendation
- Transcripts of all non-bte365官网地址 high school coursework. Transcripts must include the following information:
- Student’s full name
- Each class/subject completed
- Year the class/subject was completed
- Grades earned in each class/subject
- Amount of high school credit earned for each class/subject
bte365官网地址 dual-credits are only intended to supplement a student’s homeschool curriculum and the program does not offer high school credits in every subject area required for graduation. Records of non-bte365官网地址 course work (grades 9-11) must be submitted prior to the student’s senior year for evaluation. Final records of all non-bte365官网地址 coursework along with results from a recent IOWA Standardized Test must be submitted by May 1st of the student’s senior year for evaluation and transcription.
ACA requires all ACA students to complete the graduation requirements listed in the ACA Handbook. Due to ACA’s physical location in Ohio all ACA online students will need to ensure they also meet the graduation requirements of the state of Ohio. A three-credit college course is equal to one high school credit. ACA online students must hold a minimum overall gpa of 2.0 for all their high school academics and an overall gpa of 2.0 or higher in their college dual-credit classes.
Use the ACA graduation checklist as a helpful guide for meeting graduation requirements.
Join Us Today
Fees & Everything Else
Tuition and Fees
All tuition and fees must be paid in full prior to graduation.
- Students pay the current dual-credit rate ($137.50 per credit) for any college classes they take as well as any additional fees related to the courses. Tuition and fees will be paid in five payments during each semester in which the student is enrolled in dual-credit classes at bte365官网地址.
- Students pay a $1,000 fee in their senior year that covers graduation, evaluation, and transcription expenses. The fee will be paid in ten equal payments of $100. The fee is nonrefundable.
Good Standing
All online ACA students must maintain good standing while students of ACA. Each student must agree with and abide by ACA’s Statement of Faith and General Rules of Conduct. When on ACA or bte365官网地址 campus students will need to abide by all rules and regulations in the ACA handbook. Failure to do so can result in dismissal from the ACA online program.
* Online students are able to walk at the ACA graduation and will receive an ACA high school diploma. They are not eligible for any awards (e.i. valedictorian, salutatorian, etc.), however, they can graduate with honors provided they meet the criteria.
** To be eligible students must live 50 miles or further from ACA. Exceptions can be made only as approved by ACA.
*** If an online student wishes to participate in extracurricular activities offered through ACA, they will need to receive the approval and pay additional fees as determined by ACA.
Contact Our Office
- Email – [email protected]
- Call – (513) 763-6565
- Text – (513) 402-chat (2428)
a note from
Eli Albring
Transitioning to college can be scary with many unknowns!
I am here to make it as easy as possible so give me a call and we can chat.
Text me at (513) 402-2428 or call (513) 763-6565.

Hi! My name is Eli Albring.
Transitioning to college can be scary with many unknowns!
I am here to make it as easy as possible so give me a call and we can chat.
Text me at (513) 402-2428 or call the number below.